Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year Hilarity

I finally made it through a New Year's Eve without incident (except for my sister's OBVIOUS cheating during a late night game of Friends Scene-it). Others were not as lucky. Please refer to the following email I received from a friend today:

"For those that are unaware, there is a song entitled 'From Paris to
Berlin' in which the chorus repeats: "From Paris to Berlin, every disco
I go in, my heart is pumping for love, pumping for love"

New years eve is well underway and the cocktails are flowing, when I
receive a text from [redacted] that read 'From Paris to Berlin, every
disco I go in'. Knowing the song and the next line I type 'My heart is
pumping for love' to send in reply. After typing the message I then need
to select who is going to receive the message and as I always put
people's last names in my phone, I search for [redacted]. Because I was so
rushed to get back to playing Jenga, I accidentally send to [redacted, but something close to the other name...(my boss).

So to summarize I sent a text to my boss that said 'My heart is pumping
for love'


I hope your 2007s are off to a better start than mine.

Happy New Year!"

Here's to a heart full of pumping love in 2007 (but not for our bosses!)

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