Sunday, May 01, 2005

I left my heart...

and $114 at the Target in Queens. Again, one of my crazy schemes went awry. I convinced TD* to come on mission impossible to Queens because her contact solution was on sale. She swallowed the hook.

It took us two hours to get there. Apparently The V and the R lines had their periods and didn't want to run properly. It one hour, we travelled to 57th St, down to 34th St, back to 57th st and then we were off and running to Queens. Where we had to change again. We almost had to get on the G train. Has anyone ever taken this train, if so let me know, I would love to discuss.

Why I love Target:

It has like 18 million things you never though you needed.

Here is the list of items I purchased yesterday:

1. 4 blue plates with pretty rings on them (they were on sale)
2. 20 rolls of toilet paper (on sale)
3. 2 packs of Hanes little boy undershirts (aka wife beaters) for a total of 8 undershirts - They are completely see through, hence, useless.
4. shaving gel, target brand (to save the extra 20 cents)
5. A green t-shirt that says "this is my party shirt" in yellow letters
6. A blue t-shirt for Jackie
7. A green tiered cotton skort that I thought was a skirt when I bought it
8. socks, pack of 3
9. The Princess Bride on DVD (probably my only valid purchase of the day)
10. white flip flops that are going to get dirty in about 3 minutes in this city

I almost bought at iPod, but no one came to electronics to help me. Boo Target, you lost a sale on a VERY impulsive shopper.

All in all it was a fruitful day. I am wearing some Hanes now and locking myself in my apartment so I don't spend any more money.

*name has been changed to protect her career. TD=Tiny Dancer

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